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Present ideas - please help!!

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Mandamoo | 21:33 Sun 29th Jun 2008 | Shopping & Style
2 Answers
Hi again everyone. Every year the year 13 music group gets a present for our Music teacher which they present to him at the summer soiree. Last year they got a personalised monopoly board, 2006 they got him tank driving lessons (because he's an awful driver!), and in 2005 they bought special VIP tickets for Jools Holland, along with an array of novelty gifts every year. This year he's actually retiring after 18 years of service, so the gift has to be extra special - does anyone have any ideas about what we could get him? We have a budget of 80 - �100 I'd say, we're in Leicestershire, and have a week and a half to get it sorted. He loves Jazz music.. and... tea!

Any ideas much appriciated!! TIA xx


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nobody anwered your question from four years ago, sorry about that, try out you could create a stunning pair of music cufflinks her could where to school
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Present ideas - please help!!

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