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Silicone Sealant

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Oleanda | 10:28 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | Home & Garden
9 Answers

Is it possible to buy this in small sizes, maybe like toothpaste tube size? I only need a small quantity and buying one of those big tubes that fit into a frame  means most of it will be wasted, and I hate waste. 



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Yes B&Q and other DIY outlets sell them but often there is hardly any difference in the price but you may need to buy a gun to put it on with.

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Thankyou for your answer, I've never seen smaller sizes, do you need a different gun than the ones for the bigger sizes?

on amazon, search for " silicon sealant white tube 70G"

comes with its own nozzle, £3.99

some cheaper, try the pound shops

Hmm, link won't work. Just got to B&Q site and search for sealent then select smallest amount in filters.

Question Author

Thanks both. 

No gun needed for the smaller ones.

this is what it looks like;gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjaySk4bChwMVvYpQBh2SsRsVEAQYByABEgIpe_D_BwE#googleba


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