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Do You Think I Just Fell Out Of A Coconut Tree?

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sandyRoe | 20:25 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

Do you think I've just came up the Clyde in a bubble?

Do you think my head buttons up the back?

Are these ways of saying, 'I'm not as green as I'm cabbage looking .'?



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Yes,here is another one: Do you think I've come up the Tyne on a bike?

Do you think I was born yesterday!

Did you want a yes or no answer ?

Add - just because I'm  (choose from the following) female, gay, trans, muslim ---------- and youhave WW3 on a plate!

I've never heard that one, duke. I take it it's one used by Geordies.

I didn't come down in the last shower.

What does 

''You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?''


Question Author

^. I think that's an Americanism, something to do with their next President.

I doubt she will be.

Do you think I came up the Mersey on a tea-tray?

Do you think I just got off the banana boat?

Do you think I came down in the last rain

Question Author

The coconut one might have more meaning to our American cousins, coconuts being brown on the outside and white on the inside.  So it could be a way of asking: Do you think I'm an Uncle Tom?

My mum used to say: "Do you think I just come up on a banana boat?" - often shortened to " think I just come up?"

I'm not as daft as I look.

Question Author

One from Belfast that's long dropped out if common usage: His/her head's full of wee sweetie mice.

What about Mary, Joseph and the wee donkey.😀



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Do You Think I Just Fell Out Of A Coconut Tree?

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