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Tls 1537

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Muriel11 | 18:48 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

21 across Historian caught in fraud heading to Ashmolean (6) ?C?A?A

Last one thanks



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(Simon) Schama - 'c(aught)' (in) 'sham' + 'A(shmolean; heading)'

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Oh no ! I had sham c and a and couldn't make anything of

it ! Thanks so much !

You're welcome 🙂

Last one (I hope)   24d.  Boxer perhaps knocking all but head off Ezra Pound.  (5)  e?u?d

Equid, E + Quid

.Boxer, in Animal Farm?

Equid (Boxer perhaps; horse, "Animal Farm") - 'E(zra; all but head off) quid (pound)'

Thank you Lie-in King ..... I had equid, but could not work out why.  


Glad we could help.

Sorry Neveracrossword ...... Thank you too.

I missed your post, teacher - you're welcome 🙂

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Tls 1537

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