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Spectator 2664

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FleshpotsOfDevon | 11:54 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
30 Answers

Planet's epigrammist (7) ??R?I?? 

Ta muchly 



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Yes, I thought the answer would involve trams- it;s the transport in Lisbon. Quite steep hills in parts, I remember.

Thanks, Toorak - puzzle all solved though. I've just Googled Lisbon tramcars and now it all makes sense. I think an 'e.g.' or 'say' in the clue would have improved it

Is 9d old french? Vieux.

Yes, Tilly.

Thank you, NAC.

More help please.

23a A US politician entering top educational surroundings. (7)

I have ??R?EME

Tilly2, your R is wrong -it should be A. The answer is the very usual, in crossword terms, educational surroundings.

PS I can give more if need be, Tilly, my initial thought was that you'd entered 20 D incorrectly?

I had irruent for 20d.


Tilly2, yes to 'academe'. The answer to 20 D is a less exotic word than you had! It's a four-letter word for win, make, then an anagram (pieces) of set. It's Keen as in ... eager, serious....

Thanks again, NAC. Got it now.


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