Questions For The Prime Minister. in The AnswerBank: News
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Questions For The Prime Minister.

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sandyRoe | 11:10 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | News
6 Answers

Do the MPs asking the questions signal through the usual channels what they'll be asking so the PM can have an answer ready for them?

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yes but then they can ask a supplimentary question that he won't know about.

One hopes it is a related question.

Labour MP's will tip off the PM's office in advance of their question.  Other MP's won't.

Sinhead 13.04 Just like the Tories have been doing for the last 14 years .Even more so when Boris was PM .

some info here: 


they dont date from 1861 - but 1961 ! first quezzie ( question to some AB "readers") was: "does the PM think that this experiment will last?" Mac ( for it was he) said he did.

The first q is always: what is the old bagga doing to day? ( now the first a : consult my diart) Second q is: but if he had time to vizeet my constituency, cd he...."

and then the supplementaries start ( so supps are anything beside 'what is he doing today'.

THEN as a new questioner stands up: "No 5!" and the  PM says "I said: see my diary!" and the questioner launches into his supplementaries

I thought the PM DID have access to (some of) the question, because - when Blair said to the Speaker (!) he was going to do one Thur 30 min session - the Speaker slipped in an extra question which he had not prepared.

A PM can only be questioned by a shadow leader, so when one was on holiday, it came about that Prescott faced Hague ( Oh yes that election, at least I got thro it without hitting anyone - tory cheers) and Prescott had to have coaching verging on therapy

I think virtually every time he is asked a question, his team will want advanced notice of what will be asked, not just in the commons but in most places. Let's just hope he doesn't go off on one like Fergie did at John Motson after Roy Keane got sent off;

"....I kn told you not bring that up", then storms off.

I know, I know, it's hardly politics, but you get the idea. You don't? Oh well! 😄

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