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Good Morning Very Early Saturday Birds!

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Smowball | 06:22 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
17 Answers

Good morning! Just made a cup of tea as I haven't slept and am still awake. I mean I literally haven't slept a wink all night, tho not for want of trying! So if I suddenly vanish it will because my body has finally given in to sleep & crashed out! 
Watched a tiny bit of the Olympics opening ceremony in Paris lastnight. Just before they went to raise the flag MrSmow said jokingly 'I bet they hang it upside down lol', and lo and behold what happens - they hang it upside down!! Apart from that most reviews of the ceremony haven't been very good, and the rain certainly didn't help matters.

Hoping for at least one or two sunny hours  later on so that I can sit in garden for a bit and just chill out & relax. Fingers crossed hey!
What do the rest of you all have planned? : )



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Something remarkably similar I think, although I was lucky enough to get some sleep. The first quiet weekend for some time.

Good morning Smow and, all those that follow,

All I have planned  is grass cutting the grall, as it don't look like its gonna cut itself.

Take care folks



Good morning Smow and everyone. Smow - can you see the related posts below? You have earned your place with Boaty and Emmie :)

I shall take things a little easier today and possibly do some shopping in another town for a change of scenery, Have the best day you can.

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Morning choux - no, what posts is that re Boaty & Emmie?

I have only been awake since 5am when my bladder woke me, but did not get back to sleep.  Mr U just got up and presented me with a coffee.

Planning a 5 mile walk this morning, then just cleaning and ironing.

Found out our house move scheduled for 15 August will now be 5 September.

Morning all

Usual routine for us today, nothing to be excited or anxious about, so that's good.

When are you going to Devon, Smow?  You must be champing at the bit

Morning all.  

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Morning everyone again! Am  waiting for Youngsmow to give me some  fresh dates on when I can go down to Devon,in nxt couple of weeks hopefully! So frustrated that I went down with the vomiting bug before but absolutely nothing I could have done.

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Oh I forgot - todays other mission is to find a way to stop a couple of local cats from coming into my garden/ house,chasing MY 2 female cats away and eating their food!! I don't know if they are make or female cats but nothing is working so far. They are so yesterday I heard the familiar scrap, went to look and one of them was in my kitchen eating! I've chased it outside, but an hour later it just comes back! Someone suggested getting the most powerful water pistols going and using those!!

'Morning all.  Just breakfasted,then dog-walking - complicated at the moment because of daughter's 2 dogs spending their holiday with us. 3 is 1 too many to take at one go since 1 if them is an excited 6 mth-old.  11.45 I'm being let out on my own to have lunch with my elder daughter at a good pub/restaurant near Malton - a rare treat.  She only lives about 40 miles away, but is always busy.

Fingers crossed that OH manages the menagerie!  I think his intention is to stay firmly home and ignore them. 😀

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Morning Naomi, Barry, ubasses, jourdain,impatiens,chip & choux - did I miss anyone?? LOL.

Lunch out sounds good jourdain ! How long are the dogs staying with you??

Apparently the scaredy cat plant is good, perhaps a couple round the garden and in a pot outside the back door. Might be worth a try.

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Ooh I've never heard of that plant ubasses - Interesting! Might have to look into this - thanks! : )

Good morning everyone. We got muddled over the date of the Cook delivery, it is next week which   is good cause we have more time to make space in the freezer. God knows how long some of the stuff has been in there, I have no system, just bung it in.

Nowt planned  for today though older son is back from holiday late evening

Good morning Smow and all.
Not an early riser here as I take ages after going to bed to actually fall asleep.
It's a bit nothingy here this morning, but at least it's not raining.  Just a Sainsbury shopping expedition for me today, the local one is just small enough for me to manage comfortably without flagging half way round.
Hope everyone enjoys their day 😀

Rather late - but lunch was lovely!   Have doggoes until 6th August, Smow.  It's hard work.

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Good Morning Very Early Saturday Birds!

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