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Why Is He Still Messaging Me?

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abbeylee90 | 21:28 Tue 21st May 2024 | Family & Relationships
60 Answers

The bearded I been on about that I went on 2 dates with I blocked on WhatsApp as not interested but last night he txt after weeks of sending me his last WhatsApp message. I just thought he would move on by now.



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Because she can, Brainiac.

By the way Abbey,did you ever get your Fork lift driving license?Just asking.

Let it go, please, ynnafymmi. It's not relevant to this topic and it's not funny any more (if it ever was)



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Ynn no started work 

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The sleepover one is now messaging me


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The sleepover boy trying to add me on Snapchat but I haven't accepted don't know what to do.

Ignore him/block him 

Wouldn't it be easier to tell him you're not interested, instead of asking us over and over what to do, and then ignoring any advice we give?

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I haven't ignored your advice and I'm sticking to ignoring him.

My one and only contribution.


Four times you've been told on this thread to block him..... !!

Why haven't you  ?

Abbey, only 15 minutes ago you said 'I don't know what to do' - so you can't be following the shedloads of advice you've already had!

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I haven't accepted him 

Yes you haven't accepted him. But you also said "don't know what to do."  I'm not sure why you're asking- I guess you're bored and want conversation with us which is fine but people seem to be getting fed up of giving advice which is ignored

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I'm not going WhatsApp is enough 

abbey- does that 'sentence' really make sense to you?

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To have him on I mean 

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Just found this he messaged me a couple of days saying he wants casual fun and company 

Block him, he's a creep 

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I did

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I said no to going to his then he mentioned hotel 

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