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nope it's the guy on the floor.


Are you now claiming this pair are terrorists?

In all the coverage I have not noticed them being charged with any offence. That might change, but until they are charged and found guilty, they are not crims either.

If the officer thought the man was trying to get up as some have claimed, why did he not use his taser on the man?

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"they are not crims either." - err I think even in Trobland punching a plod in the boat is a crime.

Let's waIt for the prosecution.   
Plod obviously messed up the arrests so the charge of resisting arrest won't stick. So a self defence plea might get them off.

^I sincerely hope not!

"Plod obviously messed up the arrests so the charge of resisting arrest won't stick."

What is that based upon?

Looked to me like the copper went to speak to the bloke who was at some sort of machine who immediately kicked off and needed to be restrained, while his mate then piled in and mayhem ensued.

I don't think booting him in the head was called for but when tempers are raised & in the heat of the moment....

They'd have been shot dead in America.

Muslim types attacked the police now playing the race card, what a surprise. 

Would you have been able to deal with it, gromit? Have you ever been in such a situation?

completely irrelvant in all situations ( inc when Gromit himself is being attacked). Jesus

Should you kick a man (softly as TTT Bless had pointed out) who has just been tasered, and say it  is self-defence

a bit dopey - and I dont mean just the tasered man !

Muslim types attacked the police now playing the race card, what a surprise. 

Poliice attack the Muslims and played the race card at the airport, what another surprise. 

I wasn't commenting on the kicking of the man Peter, I was commenting on Gromit's naive comment that "There was no attempt to calmly question the suspects. No attempt to get there version of what happened in the baggage collection hall."


"Plod obviously messed up the arrests so the charge of resisting arrest won't stick." What is that based upon?

the video - speaks for  itself ( res ipsa loquitur - but you know I  was gonna say that )

You mean the viddie showed a good arrest - must  be AB on a sunday night

The only question of interest is ... is the policeman who kicked the guy in the face, and stamped him on his head, guilty of a crime ...

What the guy did before that happened is a different question, and a lot less interesting. Criminals assault policemen and women quite a lot. The other way around, less so ...

The poor soul some are defending is also a drug dealer as well a a woman beater.

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