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No More Elections In The Usa If Trump Is Elected As President In November

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Hymie | 23:28 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
24 Answers

Trump has already said that he will be a dictator on day one.


Last week he said at a rally:–

Get out and vote, just this time – you won’t have to do it anymore, four more years, you know what it’ll be fixed it’ll be fine – you won’t have to vote four years you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not gonna have to vote.’


Based on Trump’s own words, who could doubt that democracy will be dead in the USA if Trump gets elected?



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TTT, you have way too much faith in the new administration upholding the constitution.

//  he was saying get out and vote this time and you wont have to vote next time because he'll have fixed the issues//. Spungle, what issues? In what kind of situation would anyone not have to vote next time? Aren't or shouldn't people be encouraged to vote every time ​​​​​​? Isn't Trump on record as wanting more than 2 terms? If Roosevelt did it, why not the great god Trump? 


TTT, you have way too much faith in a Trump administration upholding the Constitution 

the constitution is a piece of paper. it means nothing at all if it is not observed and enforced. look at how Putin treats the constitution of the RF or how Hitler treated the Weimar constitution. if enough Republicans get enough power then the constitution is a dead letter. 

Every time he says something like this, people go nah, that's just Trump being Trump, he doesn't actually mean it.

He does though. For a person that lies so much, he's remarkably forthcoming about what his plans are.

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