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Do You Still Use Cash?

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sandyRoe | 12:13 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
40 Answers

Apart from paying the gardener, the lady who cleans my house, and taxis, I don't.

I must admit I sometimes miss standing jangling the half crowns in my trousers pockets.



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The government want a cashless society so they can track that all businesses pay tax. Also gives them an audit trail on how we spend our money for future control exercises.

However the poor businesses for every card swipe pay the banks / card companie commission. The same banks/card companies that avoid paying tax in the uk lol

Cash as far as possible.  Hairdresser asked for cash if possible so she gets all the money. Card payments take a commission on every payment.

On average a digital payment costs the shop 35p, if they have to pay cash or cheques in it costs 70p.

No one is there to do the shop a favour.

Time was when shops wanted to serve their valued customers. Now customers are considered a nuisance and it's hoped that they check out for themselves, for free.

I only use cash everywhere. I never even take a card out with me. I use a card online only.

Would it be one 70p for paying in week's worth of cash? But 35p for every single card payment during the week? Better with cash if so.

Only time we use cash is to pay our hairdresser, whose house we go to to get out hair cut. Everything else is either card or bank transfer...window cleaner, dog groomer, joiner, path cleaning chap, all tradesmen.

We recently travelled to Sweden by car via two ferries and an overnight hotel stop in Germany. We took 50€ cash with us and came back with it unused.

Yes, pay the hairdresser, usually get £50 every three weeks from the PO when I get my haircut, most of it gets back to the hairdresser for myself and my good lady. Then a couple of weeks ago visiting my mate at the local farm shop, he's just had a delivery of Halibut, we love Halibut, so he says I can have a piece of this just delivered, £48 for cash, cost price to him,would be £75 through the shop with card payments.

More outages today so keep a supply of cash on hand just in case. 

Cash always.  Card only on line.

cash would be 70p per £100 plus a 70p per item handling charge. So the more cash the shop pays in the more is costs.

Love car boot sales and have never found a seller who takes card payments.  Cash it is for me.

i love my cash cos then I know what I have

Not having a cleaner, a hairdresser, a gardener or a driver I rarely use cash!

I do carry a bit in case a local small business states Cash Preferred then I try to oblige and of course  I take cash to the races for a bet with the bookies.


Cash for small items, card for larger.

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If I didn't have a gardener and a cleaner my house would look like a midden and the garden like a jungle.  And if I didn't get taxis I'd never get out of the house.

" would be 70p per £100 plus a 70p per item handling charge."

So if I paid in £100 in £1 coins, would it cost me £70.70? 

I only use card for online purchases.Cash for everything else.

I use cash for small purchases in shops, for my hairdresser, window cleaner and tips, use a card in restaurants and for the weekly supermarket shop, also when I buy clothes

I use card for everything except when Microsoft crash the world.

I'll be keeping a little more cash in the wallet in future.

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