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Voted Labour? Feeling Conned?

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ToraToraTora | 08:05 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | News
35 Answers

First they promise no tax rises, then they fabricate an excuse for tax rises, then the reason for the fabrciation becomes clear! Oh but we are still going to give £11.6bn to foreigners for "climate change"! right oh Labour, what next?...."You know we said we would not rise income tax.....?"



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KS is like a Knocker Upper of the 1920s, waking the British up to reality, and about time .

CrapatCryptics,  on the bit you put about living within your means this is what I found and put on the other thread, "from the Standard in January, "Labour’s Rachel Reeves complains that her £86k salary has left her financially 'short' when she is reported to be worth around £3 million.  Makes you laugh really.  Will she still be complaining now she is on nearly double that plus expenses.  Her husband is on good money too.

Conversely, people who are 'knocked up' are in trouble - and with Labour at the helm that is already proving to be far more accurate.

A hundred year old job like a knocking upper is no longer necessary, another thing this Prime minister has in common.

Living / working in London, that salary is not over the top by any means.

Whoever puts climate change as an issue is deluded. Man-made climate change, that is. Climate change is natural. Has been since time immoral. 

Theres a hell of a lot of work shy in Britain that could do with a knocker upper.🤣

No silly pledges from KS, just action, action thats needed.

But this government is not dealing with that issue, nicebloke.  They're attacking the people who do take responsibility for themselves - and in doing so are sending a very clear message out that you're better off doing nothing to help yourself.  As usual, Labour abhors aspiration.

Labour abhors both education and aspiration for the very simple reason both then to lead to people voting anything but Labour.

A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. Me thinks a lot of sugar will be needed, because theres a lot more realitiy to come. The labour engine has only just fired up to get this country up and running again, after spend spend spend.

nicebloke, you're having another whoosh moment ....

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naomi: "By the way, TTT, repeating your 'motoring is far too cheap' mantra over and over doesn't make it any more true.  It's abject nonsense.  Motoring is expensive." - if even the "poor" can afford personal private transport, often transporting empty seats everywhere then societally it's too cheap.

//labour engine has only just fired up to get this country up and running again, after spend spend spend.//

Just what planet do you actually live on?

The TINO's were bad but only 3 weeks in and we are seeing lies and huge spending on pet projects like net zero that will bankrupt the country.

Add to that Raynors rediculous house building plans (and I think most can guess who they are destined for) we are going to be in for a rough ride.

Labour NEVER do well on the economy, even Bliars Tory Lite one didnt in the end.

Well yes TTT, motoring is too cheap if the hoi pollloi can afford it.

Scum scoops are driving round half empty need to get them back on so the roads are freed up for the rest of us.

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