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Bbc Quiz : Week 30

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Buenchico | 20:28 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
31 Answers

Hello again!


It's very much a 'middling' week for me in the quizzes, as I scored FOUR out of seven in the grown-ups' one


. . . and THREE out of five in the kids' one


You can do better though, can't you?



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Must have slept through the week!




3 / 7

3 / 5

It's "P" points all round Chris. 1/7 and 3/5. I've started writing the lines already!

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How did all of those posts sneak in there without me noticing them up until now?

At least 10CS has Maggie for company (and zero scores were avoded too)!

Decent enough scores from you, I feel, Kwillmott - but thanks for allowing me to beat you anyway!

No1 The 'correct' option was that Kamal Harris is the first woman to run for Vice President of one of the two main parties.  It then goes on to say that Geraldine Ferrara and Sarah Palin did it too, so how can KH be first?  Should it have said 'the first woman to run for President?

Scrub that, I've just re-read it and it's asking which is untrue!  I spent years telling classes When all else fails, read the blankety-blank question!

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>>> "I spent years telling classes When all else fails, read the blankety-blank question!"


. . . but I still get it wrong myself!

I spent years geting them to promise me that they would read each question at least twice, still don't know if it worked...

Sorry I missed news quiz, was being entertained by my gorgeous grand daughters  😊

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Hi, Haras2!

It's not too late to give the quizzes a go!

Any news of a new feline companion yet?

4/7 v 3/7

3/5 v 3/5

My usual sort of score, nothing special...

I find that getting the right cat is such a subjective thing as it has to be the right  one and of course they do have the gift of finding you , so I'm just being patient for now...

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Decent scores, Haras2!  Well done!

However you get united, I hope that you'll have a new feline companion very soon!

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Bbc Quiz : Week 30

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