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We'll Have To Increase Taxes, Says Reeves

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naomi24 | 12:26 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | News
26 Answers

Labour's new-found power is looking more and more like an Advent Calendar.  A new revelation every day.


//Labour said repeatedly during the election campaign there would be no tax rises on "working people"//


If 'working people' aren't going to be affected, who is?



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gramps, she would have known for as long as she was Shadow chancellor. The government, as a tradition give the opposition key information so they can make a bun fight of it in PMQs, budgets etc. So she's either making it up or she's thick.

Maybe its me,but can we not start asking these boat people who seem to be arriving daily for some sort of contribution from them?They seemed to find the hundreds of pounds to pay to the people smugglers,couldnt we also ask them to find the hundreds or thousands to pay for their upkeep etc while they are here?

Could the tax collectors be directed towards the giant companies that pay very little tax?

There might be no need then to further burden ordinary working people.

//Could the tax collectors be directed towards the giant companies that pay very little tax?//

If you have any ideas on how this can be done then I'm sure countries around the World would like to hear them.

Sadly they are all International so just move it to the lowest tax region.  This is why countries do the opposite to us and lower the tax to attract them rather than frightening them away.

I do agree with the sentiment though.

Up here in Scotland we should be okay,the SNP promised to keep the WFA for all pensioners.First good thing the SNP has ever done for pensioners.I might even get to start liking them.

I wonder how long Rachel Reeves will blame this black hole on her having to put up taxes.  I expect it will be for either the whole of this parliament or until Starmer gets rid of her.

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We'll Have To Increase Taxes, Says Reeves

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