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Voted Labour? To Rejoin The Eu?

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gulliver1 | 09:24 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | News
35 Answers

Labour intends to abolish a key commitee that scrutinises the UK's relationship with the EU.    Labour will scrap the               European Scrutiny Committee as Labour works towards resetting closer relationships with the EU and Brussels.         .......Looks like this is another step to rejoining the EU........



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I do wish the Tories could bring back Boris as their leader. What I would give to see the idiot with a bale of hay on his empty brain box sitting on  the opposition benches.


And there was I, thinking of making a serious contribution to this. On reflection, Perhaps not.

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.............😎.For the attention of Tora Tora Tora😎..................             This is not the end of Brexit. It is is not even the beginning of  the end...But it perhaps the end of the beginning of Brexit. 😎I believe this is where we are today😎

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Rumpole... Close the door on your way out please.

gully you could play a leading role here:


If the UK and EU are serious about us re-joining, then I suspect the fudge will be that the UK has to commit to adopting the Euro, but that that can’t happen at least until our dept ratio is significantly reduced.  They might worry that we turn into another Greece, requiring bail-out from the other States.


Poland committed to adopt the Euro 20 years ago (and counting) and shows no sign of doing so; no one seems worried about it.

Give over, just stop.  It's not going to happen.  Even Hymie says that they would insist that we rejoin the euro and that we are not partners they want right now.  By the time we are---- we'll be stronger and agin joining.  It's just not going to happen.  Well, not without bloodshed, I think.  

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21.23 I am afraid it will be the Brexiteers worst nightmare .But the UK Will Rejoin the EU ..And it will  happen under this Labour Govt.....😎Rejoice 😎

The EUSSR will collapse under its own tryranny long before we even think about having a vote on rejoining.

I think the nurses in the Maltese loony bin should restrict gully's internet time.

he's not in Malta, I'd be surprised if he's ever had a passport.

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20.57 Can't wait for Starmer to get Britain back into the EU and make Britain strong again.Don't want the Euro though Hymie.  I have been living the life of Riley over the years Just on the exchange rate .So the Euro is a big No from me     when you rejoin🤣

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Why do my fellow abers get so nasty towards me when I try to improve their living standards by suggesting a return to the EU... You will be so grateful when you are "Back in" and living in the😎 "Sunny Uplands"😎   Once again.

gully, I'm guessing it doesn't matter a jot to many of us. At my age I expect be long dead before serious consideration is given to reversing brexit, if it ever is.

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Davebro 09.51. I will say a prayer for you in hope you live long enough to celebrate and join the street partys when the UK rejoins the EU.😎I would hate you to missout on such a celebration😎

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