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Why The Gasps?

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ToraToraTora | 09:13 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | News
26 Answers

KH starts most sentences with a reference to being "a woman of colour" so why get coy about it now?



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Trump's point was that she spent years going on about her Indian heritage, and now an election looms, she wants the black vote as she has a black parent.   Just pointing out the opportunism.  
10:32 Thu 01st Aug 2024

Is he white or is he orange? There's only one way to find out ...

Surely if "non-white" women really did face unique challenges there surely she'd be loath to point her heritage out and encourage those challenges ?


But in any case this is all just ridiculous politicking and both are indulging in it.

naomi - // He should rise above it - but he won't. //

Experince suggests that even if he wanted to, which he doesn't, he actually can't.

Once a moron ...

Trump wants to be a person of colour too!!


The future is ORANGE! (well it used to be but it's now part of EE)

an election looms, she wants the black vote as she has a black parent. 

now who was it - whilst on a visit to Nigeria claimed Nigerian blood whilst the president  of N - looked on and complained. She was some publicity seeker...She married a white settler ( settler from Germany to England that is!) and god there was some Jesus lardy daah about the colour of the little kids

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