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Olympics Disgust

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maggiebee | 20:05 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

I would like to express my disappointment at the insult to Christians at the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 olympics. Allowing a group of drag artists to parody the Last Supper was disgusting.  Wouldn't have dared parody muslims!! 



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I would like to express my disappointment in all those that disagree with me.

Hmm 🤔, probably 99.9% of the worlds population, but, I'm still disappointed 🤧

I watched 2 mins of 2 girls sychronised diving - I tht it was very impressive. The diving & gymnastics displays are much more entertaining & skillful (IMV) than just running faster, chucking farther, or lifting heavier type stuff.

I am a Christian but I think this has all been misunderstood.

Wasn't it a parody of the Greek Gods as the Olympics started in Ancient Greece.

Also Da Vinci painted his representation of the Last Supper. It isn't exactly the same as what took place?

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