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Hazlinny | 10:06 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
29 Answers

Has anyone suffered from this and, if so, how  long did it last?
Have consulted GP who will refer me to ENT specialist if it does not stop - horrible, almost continuous, piercing ringing noise in left ear.



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^^ Thank you 😊x

I have had tinnitus for years sometimes it is worse than others especially at night. Have hearing aids which dulls it down a bit . 

yes; forever, so far. And it gets gradually worse. I can ignore it but that doesn't mean I will hear clearly - I don't. And hearing aids just make it all louder, which is no help.

Some of the links here might help:

For any medical condition, the forums on HealthUnlocked are always worth a look:

I can'r offer no help but, just wanted you to know .... i'm thinking of you Xx

can't*  genuine typo.

I’ve had it all my life. Two of my sisters have it, my brother has it. It’s incessant, but I do not focus upon it.

At times it can be quite difficult.

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Thank you Buenchico for the links - interesting.   Also noticed comments by the late Sqad on older threads and will see GP on Monday re ENT referral as she suggested.  Thank you all for your input and Arky for his kind thoughts.😊

Had itcontinuously since the 1990s.

It is permanent and nothing can be done. You learn to filter it out.


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