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I went to the pictures tomorrow...

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debbz1969 | 12:00 Wed 19th Jul 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
35 Answers
Does anyone know the whole of this rhyme told to my husband by his gran many years ago.. I went to the pictures tomorrow, I had a front seat at the back, A bare footed woman with cloggs on, Gave me plain cake with currents in, So I ate it and gave it her back.


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Here's ther version I heard and I've got a tape of a freind of ours singing it

I went to the pictures tomorrow
I took a front seat in the back
I fell from the pit to the balcony
and I broke a front bone in my back
I went round a corner from the side street
and I saw a dead donkey alive
so I took out my knife and I shot it
and the poor dead donkey died.
I went to the pictures tomorrow, I bought a front seat at the back, I had a plain cake with currents in and buttered it well with fat.
I'm 49. My dad (born in 1936) learnt it from his dad (born in 1914) and he used to tell it to me like this:
I went to the pictures tomorrow
And took a front seat at the back
I fell from the pit to the gallery
And broke a front bone in my back
I went round a straight crooked corner
And saw a dead donkey alive
I picked up my pistol to stab him
But he kicked me fight back in the eye.
I'm and Eccles Lad and our version went:-
I went to the ictures tomorrow,
I got a front seat at the back,
I lady gave me a banana ,
I ate it and gave it her back,
I went round a straight crooked corner
and saw a dead donkry alive
I took out my pistol to stab it
When two carrots popped out of my eyes.
My Dad used to say this rhyme when us 3 sisters were young and I still laugh when I hear it. I've enjoyed all the other versions and think that maybe my Dad made up the last bit. He was an Ayrshire man living in Dumfries.
I went to the pictures tomorrow.
I took a front seat at he back.
I fell from the pit to the gallery,
and hurt a front bone in my back.
A woman she gave me a biscuit.
I ate it and gave her it back.
Said she to me'Is that you?'
Said I 'Who?' says she 'You?'
Says I 'Aye' quite shy
and she gave me a pie. Aye aye!
I went to the pictures tomorrow... I took a front seat at the back...Free admission,pay at the door...seats all round,so sit on the floor...I fall from the stalls to the balcony and I broke a front bone in my back...While walking home in a taxi,I saw a dead donkey die...When I asked it what was the matter,It jumped down and kicked me in the eye.
I went to the pictures tomorrow' I had a front seat at the back, I had a plan bun with currents in then ate it and gave it back. The other one is .... It was Christmas Day tomorrow, the snow was raining fast, I saw a bare footed man with clogs on, slowly running past! Hope this helps x
I went to the pictures tomorrow
I took a front seat at the back
I fell from the pit to the gallery
And broke the front bone in my back
I went round a straight crooked corner
And saw a dead donkey die
I picked up my knife to shoot him
And he kicked me one in the eye
He kicked me over a nine inch wall
Into a dry ditch and drowned us all
I know it as:
I went down a straight crooked turning I saw a dead donkey alive I got pit my dagger to shoot him and he coxed up his head and said I'm goin to the pictures tomoro i took the front seat at the back I fell from the pit too the gallery and broke every front bone in my back

but there's also another one

ladies and jellyspoons I stand before you which is behind you too inform of something I nothing about this Thursday which is good Friday there will be a mothers meeting for father's only.. wear your best clothes if you haven't any admission free pay at the door take a seat but sit on the floor it doesn't matter where you sit the man in the gallery spit.
I've always known it as It was a mid summer night in the winter the snow was raining fast a bare footed boy with clogs on slowly come running pass he ran around a straight crooked corner to see a dead donkey die I pulled out my pin knife to shoot him and the donkey said in reply I went to the movies tomorrow took a front seat at the back a lady gave me some choclates I ate them and gave them right back I fell from the floor to the balcony broke a front bone in my back order a taxi to walk home and that was the beginning of that
I went to the pictures tomorrow. I got a front seat at the back. A woman behind gave me an apple so I ate it and gave her it back. I fell from the floor to the ceiling and broke a front bone in my back. I hired a taxi and walked it home and thats why I never got back.
I went to the pictures tomorrow i took a front seat at the back i fell from the floor to the ceiling and broke a front bone in my back, i went round a straight crooked corner to see a dead donkey die i pulled out my pistol to stab him and he laid me one in the eye eye kippers tuppence a pair the cheapest place in london is up the old kent road as ya passing by ya get a black eye and a punch upon ya nose
My version agrees with GrazzerW and I'm also a Lancashire lad.
I went to the pictures tomorrow
And got a front seat at the back
I fell from the floor to the gallery
And broke a front bone in my back
I went round a straight crooked corner
and saw a dead donkey die
I took out my dagger to shoot him
and he gave me a kick in the eye

I went to the pictures last night tonight and booked a front seat at the back

I ordered a plain currant teacake buttered all over in fat

I walked round a straight crooked corner and saw a dead monkey die, he picked up an empty revolver and shot himself straight in the eye


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