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Dissertation Help!!

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Izzie24 | 16:31 Mon 14th Dec 2015 | Arts & Literature
5 Answers
So I'm writing my dissertation on Andrea Fraser and Marina Abramovic and the main focus is on risk and struggle ect.

However my tutor has asked me to come up with a dissertation question and I'm struggling.

anyone able to help?

The question has to be based around risk, and the risk these artists take both mentally and physically with their bodies.

Help a girl out please!!



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What does your tutor consider a 'risk' and what is his/her interpretation or perception of danger? A friend once answered a question in his finals,"Is this a question?" with the answer,"Yes,if this is an answer"! He went on to get a first in Philosophy!Of course there is the question of what your 'subjects' consider to be a mental risk as opposed to a consideration of opportunity and gain or the acceptance of failure as an exercise in control. The subject is facinating,but probably will be 'boiled-down' to soup. Good luck.
have you actually seen either artist? It might help if you were able to compare and contrast them from your own observation, though it can be difficult with performance artists based abroad. But if you had, or had at least seen videoclips, you might be able to spot that they use their bodies in different ways, or to do different things. Is there any difference between the risks they take? What sort of risks exactly?
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