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Could Protests Bring Down The Government

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fender62 | 07:25 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | News
34 Answers

i seriously hope so, yvette cooper holding up that sign refugees welcome, mad ed milibands net 0 freeze to death winter of blackouts, sir kneel must be as mad as them, considering the jobs he gave them, inc reeves and pensioners... not fit to govern.



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Keir & Co, withn their inflammatory actions and rhetoric, are trundling along blindly and in the process are swiftly alienating the nation.

Get over losing the GE. SK  is dealing with thugs, these thugs have set alight to hotels with people inside them, THAT is attempted murder. The problem of thousands of people just walking up our beaches has been brewing for the last 5 years and has now come to a head. Anyone trying to turn the table on KS is just living in hope, hence thd opening post above.

Keir wanted the job- he said he was a patriot- he voted against every attempt the Conservatives made to control immigration- well he got the job.  This week has proved he's utterly incapable of it.  Act in haste, repent at leisure.

We're past the General Election now, nicebloke.   The ball is in Starmer's court now - and he's missing it.

Naomi 10.30 ....You lost....and you can spend at least a decade to get over it..

I didn't lose, gulliver.  I didn't vote.  I'm just now sitting back watching the predicted shambles left in the wake of the election.

Concentrating on preventing symptoms while stoking the causes isn't a good poĺicy.

"Naomi 10.30 ....You lost....and you can spend at least a decade to get over it.."

I knew I shouldn't have invited Gulliver to bring his balanced answer to the debate.  :-(

Husband voted Labour  and bitterly regrets it .

Abers  who couldn't be bothered to go and vote should not be allowed to come on AB mouthing on about politics.

Abers  who can't be bothered to live here should not be allowed to come on AB mouthing on about politics.

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gulliver1:  i voted but not for labour, you may like labour but they are trampling over the indigenous, what i mentioned in original post, even you must agree in part at least with that, don't say we deserve it.

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just rea this it gets better, reminds me of the strikes of the 70's labour brick by proverbial brick showing there true colours.
The government has today announced plans to repeal the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023. The policy of this government is that minimum service levels ( MSLs ) unduly restrict the right to strike and undermine good industrial relations

They're stirring up a hornets' nest.   Heaven help this country with them at te helm.

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