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Should Boxing, As A Sport, Be Banned?

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naomi24 | 11:57 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | Society & Culture
28 Answers

Khandro said elsewhere //The great Henry Cooper ran a boxing club for youngsters in the East End & he said, say what you like about boxing, but none of these lads are to be found on the streets mugging old ladies. //


Kids who play football or do gymnastics aren't to be found on the streets mugging old ladies either so that's not valid a defence specific to a sport that has opponents bashing seven bells out of one another.


So, is it brutal, is it barbaric, and should it be banned?



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No, it's up to the individuals  nothing to do with anyone else. 

I hate watching huge men try to bash each other's brains out. With their physicality and determination there are other sports they would excel at.

Even the smaller guys and women are trying to hurt each other and they could excel at other sports.
I totally agree with your second paragraph in your OP, Naomi.

//I hate watching huge men try to bash each other's brains out.\\

Why do you watch it then Clover?

Ban everything! I'm against it all! Down with, err, it.

For Douglas; 😄


I practised Karate for several years. Apart from the occasional fat lip, it taught discipline, and control, the vigorous exercises also depleted aggression. So banning physical contact sports would be counted productive.

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