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Careful What You Wish For

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Chipchopper | 11:45 Tue 24th Apr 2018 | Jokes
8 Answers
Bobs lawn mower had finally given up the ghost. His wife Mavis kept dropping big hints about getting the mower fixed before the grass gets too out of hand, but Bob just kept on making excuses and putting off getting the machine repaired.
To make a point, Mavis decided to shame Bob into fixing the mower, so the very next day, she pretended to set about cutting the grass with a pair of scissors, carefully timed for Bob to see when he gets home from work.
It worked a treat when Bob returned, looked out of the window and saw Mavis trimming the grass with a small pair of scissors in the back garden.
Ten minutes pass and Bob go's to see his wife, hands her a toothbrush then says "When you're done cutting the grass, you can give the patio a sweep".


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did she visit him in hospital ? :-)))
11:48 Tue 24th Apr 2018
did she visit him in hospital ? :-)))
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The toothbrush was surgically removed but I can't say where from ;-)
Asss no questions tell no lies.....
A very thoughtful husband...............
-- answer removed --
It wouldn't be the hospital where he ended up if he did it to me.

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Careful What You Wish For

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