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Digital Platform

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PHILIP-054 | 19:09 Sat 06th Jun 2020 | Technology
2 Answers
assess the impact of digital platform on competitive force in different industries from the option s below
grocery retail
book retail
B2B engineering component manufacturer
B2B software service company selling customer relationship management software


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I hope that isn’t a set homework question because it is stupid and incomprehensible.
But I don’t know the answer (because I don’t really know what the question is).

Assessing the impact of digital platforms on competitive forces across different industries reveals how they can revolutionize field sales management and enhance overall market dynamics. Let's explore this in the context of various industries:

1. Banking

In the banking industry, digital platforms have significantly transformed competitive forces. Field sales management has shifted from traditional methods to more advanced field sales automation tools. These tools streamline client interactions, improve data accuracy, and enhance customer service. As a result, banks can offer personalized services and real-time responses, gaining a competitive edge over rivals.

2. Grocery Retail

For grocery retail, the impact of digital platforms on competitive forces is notable. Field sales management solutions help streamline inventory management and supply chain operations. Automation tools facilitate efficient tracking of field sales activities and customer preferences, which leads to improved stock levels and targeted promotions. This capability allows grocery retailers to respond more swiftly to market demands and stay competitive.

3. Book Retail

In the book retail sector, digital platforms have influenced competitive forces by enhancing field sales automation and management. Book retailers use field sales management solutions to manage inventory, track sales performance, and optimize delivery routes. This automation leads to a more efficient sales process, better customer experiences, and increased market share, positioning them favorably against competitors.

4. B2B Engineering Component Manufacturer

For B2B engineering component manufacturers, digital platforms and field sales automation are game-changers. These companies use field sales management solutions to streamline complex sales processes and manage long-term client relationships more effectively. Automation tools provide real-time data and insights, helping manufacturers optimize their sales strategies and improve competitive positioning in a niche market.

5. B2B Software Service Company Selling CRM Software

In the case of a B2B software service company that sells customer relationship management (CRM) software, digital platforms play a critical role in shaping competitive forces. Field sales automation solutions enable these companies to demonstrate the effectiveness of their CRM software through real-time analytics and tailored solutions. This not only enhances their own field sales management but also provides a compelling example of the benefits their software can offer to clients, thereby strengthening their competitive stance.

In summary, digital platforms and field sales automation solutions have a profound impact on competitive forces across industries. They enhance field sales management, streamline operations, and provide valuable insights that help organizations stay ahead in the competitive landscape

For more information , you can refer to this

Field Sales Management | Sales Force Automation Software (


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