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Tommy Tennames - Should We Cancel His Uk Citizenship ?

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Gromit | 23:46 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | News
25 Answers

The bankrupt enjoying a luxury holiday and orchestrating the riots from his subed, will undoubtedly be imprisoned at huge cost to the taxpayers on his return to blighty.   
Should we just cancel his citizenship like we did with that other terrorist traitor, Shamima Begum ?   
Keep him out, save our dosh and good riddance.



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 Gromit: Tommy Robinson like you ('Gromit')  has two names. He changed from his birth name to an alias in an attempt to keep his wife and children safe. 

^Safe from rabid leftie loons who think anyone who is proud to be British and is a "racist Nazi".  

douglas9401 ...... 10.01

// I feel like I'm at a Trump rally with Bubba, Cletus and Jimbob at the microphone //

Best answer so far!


KHANDRO, did he use the names, Andrew McMaster, Paul Harris, Wayne King and Stephen Lennon, "in an attempt to keep his wife and children safe"?

^^ Yes.

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Tommy Tennames - Should We Cancel His Uk Citizenship ?

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