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What A Great Job

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nicebloke1 | 11:03 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | News
63 Answers

Our PM KS has done a great job don't you think in putting these rioting thugs or the dirty jogger gang if you like behind bars and many more to follow. He's soon nipped it in the budd in bringing this trash to justice. And when you consider the cons sold off about 160 odd court buildings since 2010 hence  thousand of  cases awaiting to go to court, Sir Keir has wasted no time in pushing these rioting cases up front. Well done I say.



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After "The New Labour Govt" which will be the Controlling Govt for the next decade at least , have sorted these rioters out and locked them up "That's the way to do it" Then I think they should go after Baroness Mone and the rest of the Tory Cronies and give them the chance of paying back the tax payers money with interst of course ...or locking them up with their...
13:44 Sat 10th Aug 2024

I'm closing this thread for an hour.  If this childish argument continues after it's re-opened it will be closed permanently.

Good Morning Naomi.

Where are they going to put all these prisoners/ I thought the prisons were full to overflowing . The cost will be exhorbitant. 


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