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Good Morning Sunday Birds…

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Smowball | 07:30 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
35 Answers

Gorgeous blue skies - have just put some washing on the line that I did late last night. Early morning seems to be quite a good time for snail catching too lol! They seem to pop out before it gets too hot!.

Think today is the Olympics closing ceremony, but am sure there are a couple of final events just beforehand, tho I couldn't tell you what they are. I've enjoyed watching an awful lot of it, tho I don't like it when there's bad sportsmanship etc, like yesterday when they seem to have stripped the gymnastics women's bronze medal from the USA . It hasn't gone down v well!

Even tho this post says Good Morning I'm gona be coming back to it all day when I can for a change as I noticed the last couple of morning posts had quite late comments which I didn't see.... so why not lol! 
Hope  we are all going to chill out and have a relaxing morning x : )




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good morning Smow and all.
I'm sort of glad the Olympics is almost over. In the main I've enjoyed what I saw, apart from the daft cycling where one is constanly looking over their shoulder and not where they are riding, the toe twiddling in the swimming pool, and the taekwando. I don't understand any of those.
It's a beautiful morning here, I think I may just take a little drive to the coast and do a spot of people watching and have myself a rather large icecream. Enjoy your day everyone.

Morning Snowball lovely sunny day here too in North Yorkshire. I was working yesterday 8 til 8 so gonna relax today. Moving house across town on Tues so should be packing really!!

Good morning Smow and everyone.

It does look a beautiful day out there (For others) clear Blue skies lovely and sunny oop here in West Yorkshire... obviously God has taken a day off.

Myself nursing a bit of an hangover but I always clean ones own abode when here on a Sunday so simply a lazy day for me.

Have a lovely day folks whatever she may bring you.



'Morning all,

                   Been pleasantly busy, put towels on to wash before breakfast, walked dog when they'd finished and they are almost dry already!  Lovely day here in E. Riding, too.  Got batter, made for Toad-in-the-Hole for this evening, in the fridge.  Just about to make a quick sandwich each and then I have to dig out as many children's stories as I can for our 'Stories and Activities' afternoon for local kids  on Wed. afternoon.  Another local writer and I are reading our stories and poems and others are organising crafty things and silly races.  Hope the weather's good.  

Dog is sunbathing.  :)

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Sounds like everyone is having a pleasant day so far! Sky is a little bit hazy at the mo but still very warm indeed. Am just keeping an eye out for a grocery delivery due in nxt half hour then I may sit in garden for a cheeky relaxing hour or so.... : )

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Still 28 degrees here. Cudnt think what to do for dinner later, so I'm gona do one of my cheeky burgers - cooked burger in a brioche bun, with crispy bacon, melted cheese, lettuce and sliced tomato - absolutely yummy!!

That does sound yummy, too much of an effort for me.🍕

Good afternoon, such a beautiful day but I'm having one of those days where I start doing something and something else crops up and in the end nothing much gets done - so I'm giving up and doing nothing.  Sounds like a plan!  😂

Spent half the day trying to load the fox pics.  They load anywhere else but here.  What a pain and a waste of time.

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 Nothing wrong in a lazy day naomi : )

Ladybirder - I've had that with photos on here. Can load them absolutely anywhere, but not on here. Must be an easy way!?

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Sorry about above Smow/Ladybirder - posted wrong item.

Try   https:

I tried that Haz thanks.  Didn't work.

Humid here. Wouldn't be surprised if it turns to thunder later. I've got my 9 year old Granddaughter here for 2 weeks.  We're taking g her & grandson to park soon. It's all go! 😃

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