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Azed 2721

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Griceratnumber9 | 15:16 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
11 Answers

Lots of problems today! 9d.examiners led astray about leaving less PT. Expression from arbitrator and what he administers.I learn mostly active after changing teaching aids. Any help appreciated!



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How many letters in each clue?

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Apologies . 7,6,7. I learn is probably -e---a

2. Expression... Reflex? Ref, arbitrator and Lex, law, what he administers?

I've just checked Chambers, one definition of Reflex is 'expression', so my suggestion works ok.

3 I learn... Realia, teaching aids. It's an anagram (after changing) of I lear(n) (mostly) and A, active.

9d ed exce l  

9d Edexcel (examiners)

9 EDEXCEL, an exam body. Anagram (astray) and Except, without the PT.

Sorry, that should have been - Anagram of Led and....

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Many thanks all. appreciated.

Grice... you're welcome. Those were all pretty tough clues!

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Azed 2721

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