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Is This The End Of The Line.

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gulliver1 | 12:20 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | News
31 Answers

Senior Tories are worried and have sounded the alarm over the Surge towards  Labour and Reform after their worst results at the Ballot box for 100 years.With the Tories in the middle of a contest to replace Sunak. Former Brexit minster David Jones says there is now a real prospect of Reform overtaking the Cons .With many Cons getting "Frit" and thinking of joining Reform to save their skins. Oh Dear.



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It seems gully wants the Tories to disappear completely - leading to a one-party state? I think we have seen where that leads....

nope complete non-sequitur - AB on a monday morning. put more shug-shug on your wheeties

Maybe, the shed man. At one time under his previous name all his posts were about Spain, but it doesn't matter really. 


 The government adds a bit too.

As of July 2023, the total tax on a liter of petrol in the UK is 53.61%, which includes fuel duty and VAT:

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The usual monday morning insults from Ab grumps who had a rocket up their April  on July 4th,,,Get over it .The sun must be shining somewhere in the UK.  If only for a day.๐Ÿ˜Ž

TTT stop the childish insults and grow up. 

I know gilliver does not live abroad, he should stop perpetuating that lie.

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It's TTT that keeps saying that motoring in the UK is far too cheap .I thought it would please him if Sir Keir increased the price of fuel...just saying๐Ÿ˜Ž.

yes I agree motoring is too cheap, double fuel VED etc for a start, lets get the WSS off the road.

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09.37 The names Gulliver not gilliver ..get it ..and I don't tell lies ...the names not Johnson. End of.

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The Tories may as well bring back Liz Truss as their new Leader and seal their fate . Good and Proper.

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