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Things I Don't Miss From The Good Old Days

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barry1010 | 08:52 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
86 Answers

Used teaspoons in a glass of water next to the sugar bowl on the counter of the cafe, for you to use and replace.


Piles of fag ends in the gutter, dumped from car ashtrays.




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I miss the freedom that we had. Playing in the streets,travelling on a bus on our own, going to the Saturday matinee picture ,Sunday school, Walking out at night in safety.  Lots of other things that we don't have today.  I'd go back in time if it was possible. 

Chilblains, and cycling 5 miles each way to work,always a head wind somehow.mum emptying chamber pots.

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Andres, my grandchildren play out and go on the bus on their own.   They younger ones go to Sunday school too.

Ponkle, we each had to empty our own pots once we were old enough to carry the bucket down the stairs.  We weren't trusted to carry the 'guzunder', we had to empty it in to a bucket.  I don't miss that

Eeeee, but we were 'appy though.

[email protected], Your grandchildren are lucky. I live in a nice residential area where children years ago would be playing  out all day long. Now the area is quiet and there are no children to be seen. As for churches and chapels,they've mostly been turned into mosques. 

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I love in a very multi-cultural area with mosques, gudwaras and a large kingdom hall.  Still four churches within very easy walking distance

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Things I Don't Miss From The Good Old Days

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