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Whats Working Class

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webbo3 | 16:27 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | News
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Keir is struggling with this




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I was being a bit facetious for my own amusement rocky but in reality once apon a time those 2 terms were considered to be the same thing.

In June this year he defined the working class as people who have no savings.  

christ that is quite high (30%)

Ah, I see.

I've never heard of the working class as being called common, before. Maybe because I'd consider myself in that bracket. Working class that is, not common. Although that could also be a matter of opinion.  I hold my knife and fork in the opposite hands to how some think we should. Though who made that up and made it etiquette, I have no idea. 😁

It was Anne Bidextrous, rocky.

Hard working decent people!

So, having been hardworking and employed for most of my life as a teacher........ I'm not working class.  I don't drop my aitches or keep whippets and coal in the bath.  Should I start to do all three?  Oops, it matters not anymore, silly me, I'm retired and so I'm fair game.

20 years ago, my total pension entitlement looked pretty reasonable and enough to live comfortably, allowing for small inflation (2%-ish). Then there was the massive inflationary period around 2010.  Then lockdown and another bout of inflation which has followed, and we are down to 'just managing' status.  But I'm still not classed as 'working class' because I am 'professional class'! 

All ridiculous.  Working class go out and booze - middle-class have dinner parties!!!!!!!

 in the USA (for example) it's defined by how wealthy you are - money pure & simple.

this is hotly disputed in the Land of the Free ( no  classes, money irrelevant)

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