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ponkle | 18:11 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers

today I saw something I have not seen before.A large swarm,30 to 40 damsel /dragon flies whizzing round the garden,went out and they were feeding off flying ants.

I know they eat insects but have not witnessed such large numbers





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I've seen very large swarms of dragonflies over canals, a fine sight

Must be such a fine sight to see!

Ive only managed to see about 4 or 5 at a time above my garden pond, but its a great aerial display in the summer.

What a privilege it would be to see that!  I have only ever seen a couple of dragonflies together, and even then it was only fleeting and they were not feeding at the time.  

Dragonflies are impressive insects.  


They are indeed;




This is in the US, can't say I've been divebombed by dragonflies

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