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Marbled White Butterfly

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Chipchopper | 12:57 Sat 02nd Jul 2022 | Animals & Nature
14 Answers
Saw one of these beauties in my mini wild flower meadow today, plus a hummingbird hawk moth a few days ago. I feel privileged to see them in my own backyard.


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I first saw hummingbird moths here in central France a few years ago. I love them.
I briefly saw a hummingbird hawk moth about 4years ago back garden in York . Thought I was seeing things.
The only ones I get in my garden are the Cabbage Whites, after my brassicas.

I did see a hummingbird moth last year at West Dean Gardens, I was captivated by its beauty and its hovering abilities.
Usually get hummingbird hawk moths on the red valerian but haven't seen one this year.
Beautiful creatures.
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