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Unwanted Insects

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skyplus | 13:43 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
6 Answers

I have an outside toilet which I have just whitewashed the interior. This was difficult because of the number of insects. How can I get rid of them. All suggestions welcomed with thanks.



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What sort of insects?

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Daddy longlegs and various others I cannot name. There are black spots everywhere which I suspect are their eggs. Please help me someone.

The daddy long legs are harvestmen - they are extremely good for eating other insects and spiders.  The black spots will be their poo.

If it were me, I would remove the harvestmen (gently) and their webs.  Then give the walls a really good wash down before applying your whitewash/paint etc.  Then just accept that the harvestmen will move back in, because it is an outside building.  I HATE spiders but will happily tolerate the harvestmen.

Use a broom to sweep them out.

I've noticed that some folk, call the harvestmen a spider, but its not even an spiders.

Others refer to cellar spiders, aka vibrating spiders also known as daddy longlegs.

Whose right or wrong? I don't know, I guess it's down to reginal variations, but you cant go far wrong with latin.

portable jetwash?

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Unwanted Insects

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