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I May Have Saved A Life.......

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ToraToraTora | 09:57 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Society & Culture
9 Answers

Yesterday I was walking to my local leisure centre to meet a mate for lunch and this woman pushing a pram came towards me. Eyes glued to her phone of course. Suddenly she stopped, took the one hand she did have on the pram off and the pram rolled away. Now this is on a slight slope so it kept rolling. This is right next to a main road. I saw what was happening and put my foot in front of the wheel of the pram to stop it. Little miss twitface looked up and panicked as the pram was not immediately there, saw what happened and sprinted to the prams new location, grabbed it with her free hand, grunted something at me and walked on barely glancing up from the phone! That kid could well have ended up in the road had I not been there. We now have a generation of zombies walking among us.



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It scares me and irritates the hell out of me.  If i see someone walking towards me engrossed in their phone i just stop.

It's not just phones sadly.  One of my friends recently lost a grand-daughter who was out jogging, earphones in, and ran into the path of a turning car.  Very sad that technology is costing lives.

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tech is not costing lives, stupidity is. It's a form of natural selection really.

What if you'd not been there TTT?  I dread to think...

I always wonder...if that person on their phone walks into to me, who will they blame? 99% it will be me...the selfish old boomer.

I'm also irritated by seeing young mums yapping on their phones and not interacting with their chatty toddlers. 

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Pasta the road curves around to the left so it would have gone in the road. It is the end of a main road where traffic is slowing but even so she'd have been reliant on the drivers to avoid it. Dopey mare!

I live near a school, this sort of thing happens on a daily basis - so many on phones they are not watching their kids running off, on scooters etc.

I was driving through Northampton Town centre few year ago.

A man walking from my left crossed the road, changed his mind three-quarters along, turnt away from me to go back and I had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting him.

Pretty sure both of us were shocked. 

Oh, and well done TTT.

I saw something similar to this in Dubai a couple of years ago. I couldn't work out what they were for, until a local explained. I couldn't get me breath!!

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