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I love animals but...
13:11 Fri 16th Aug 2024
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Live cow, better than a dead pig ( well the head anyway).


Well what makes him do it is zoophilia... A known paraphilia but I don't think we can call it a disorder now.  

Tread careful now Peter ..One third of the answers on this thread have already been removed because of ...............overzealousness............

Peter Pedant - If you continue to mention Mods (either the mimsy or the unmimsy varieties) in your responses, your answers will be removed, no matter what intelligent or interesting comments you use in an attempt for your posts to stay.

And then you will be removed.

I will not enter into pointless arguments or explanations with anyone on this matter, so save your pixels.

Ten years ago we would have had so much fun with this, brings home now sanitised we have become. 

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