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Dingbat Help Needed Please!

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AnnT | 14:17 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
34 Answers

Out of 60, I've just got these 4 that have stumped me:


In a box on the left in a column - 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP,  then outside the box to the right  1 STEP

A big, black, fat 'e' filling the space, with a small white number 8 in the middle of it on the left-hand side

A heart symbol followed by an arrow pointing to the right at the letters 'ing' that are growing in size, above a line under which is the word 'conflagration

Any help gratefully received, thank you! 




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or elongating.. e long 8 in ^^^^^

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@mallyh - elongate is interesting, but the 'e' is fatter, rather than long.  I've thought of a different way to describe it:  type the letter 'e' using Cooper Black font at size 200 ... then in the thickest part of the black bit on the left hand side, put a number 8 (ariel rounded, size 18)  

Mally's suggestion E-something-ate feels good though.


e value 8 sounds pretty good to me

sounds good x

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what do we think about enumerate?

A step in the right direction?

I don't see it being enumerate, annT- e and 8 yes but where does the NUMBER bit come from?

I think the step one is probably "take the first step", blaris- although I do like my One Step Beyond.

I still don't thing we've  fully resolved the other two either.

^ typo or autocorect came in there- NUMER

Actually Blaris, as the 1 step has been moved to the right I think it will be  A step in the right direction as you suggested

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@newmodarmy  I like your suggestion of over eighty.  I also have been thinking about mallyh's suggestion about eating, so maybe eighty eight (ate e eight).  I'm going to have to make a decision!  😔

Ann, please let us know when you find out the answer

Have the answers been published yet please AnnT?

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@newmodarmy - No, not until the beginning of October.  I'll let you know!  

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