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Wheeler Dealers

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Bazile | 19:59 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers

Is there anything Marc Priestley and Edward China , doesn't know about cars / vans 



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Edd can't get any TV work because he is a nightmare to work with, apparently 

I used to like these type of car shows but they've gone into overkill.

Wheeler Dealers - nuff said

Car SOS - spend £10s of thousands restoring cars only fit for scrap for someone who is usually pegging out anyway. (shades of the tear jerker that Repair Shop has become)

Bangers & Cash The Restorers - send the vehicles to specialist restorer and lose loads of money at auction.

Richard Hammond's Workshop - can't stand the bloke.

Flipping Bangers - not bad, more realistic at the cheaper end.

There must be others?

I DO like Classic Car Chasers - some very special (usually American) cars & Wayne Carini seems to tell it like it is.

I watch Wheeler Dealers, Car SOS (FF through the fluff) for the mechanics  and Bangers & Cash (both versions) because I love seeing the old cars and motorbikes - shocked at how much some 'modern classics' sell for and how little some beautiful vintage cars sell for.  That Mini, so decrepit it could only be lifted on a palette, was one of the better episodes.

Back in the day I had a Mk1 Escort (Sport?). I thought it was a pile of carp, hated driving it & got rid after 6 months. Probably worth 1000s now! 

Swapped it for a SAAB 96 V4. Beautiful car & great to drive.

I believe Saab's were expensive to repair.  I do like the lines of the Saab

I never needed much work on the SAAB over the 6 years I owned it, I serviced it myself mainly. Parts were cheap 'cos Saab outsourced a lot of stuff from other makers. Ford engine, BMC brakes etc. Only sold it to get a VW camper.

I liked driving the VW camper van I once borrowed, no bonnet in front.  We had some fun in that 😊

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