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Inflation Shrinkage

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DTCwordfan | 20:02 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | Shopping & Style
21 Answers

I bought a 9 pack of Waitrose bog rolls about 4 months, 240 sheets per roll. Just bought a 4 pack and noticed how 'slim' they were on my loo-roll holder and, lo and behold, it's now 190 sheets and that's what they are advertising on both packs. £4 for the 9 rolls, £2 for four..... But how can they justify 26.316% inflation.....?

Other examples and let's name and shame them....



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I find it's the bigger companies that are the worst.

B & Q, 1 small bracket £2:30, on line, exactly the same bracket, quantity 16 + 64 screws, £4:89.

I like to keep various sizes of plasters in my first aid kit.

Tesco's, 3 large plasters £10:00, on line, ten plasters, same size, £5:00

I once wrote to B & Q comparing their price for a certain item with my local ironmonger. Their reply was he probably had  better multiple buying power, that's really extracting the urine.He asked for the letter and still has it hanging in his shop.

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