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Are Parents Today Losing Control Of Their Children?

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renegadefm | 18:16 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
22 Answers

I know this subject is controversial, and I'm not wishing to upset anyone in any way. 

But are parents losing or already lost control of their children?


We we're at our local market today, and there was a family there, and their son who I would say is only 6 or 7, but was severely miss behaving, and to get attention rolling about on the floor violently, nearly tripping up other people, and the parents seemed powerless. 


I was just observing this and thought my God my father back in the day would have marched me out and smacked my bum I would be able to sit down, but the thing is I knew that so wouldn't have behaved like it in the first place. 


I'm not suggesting we should make smacking acceptable again, but we now seem to have recent generations of out of control children. 


It simply wasn't like it when I was a child in the 70's, when we were at school the headmaster could still use a cane to smack your hands with. 


It was simply a deterrent, and wasn't intended to hurt the child. But it seems we had all those things taken away, but the result is a wild generation of children. 


I think with that, and the fact they just label the bad behavior to a condition like autism or something, just makes the situation worse, whereas when I was a child you didn't hear of autism etc, you were just classed as a wild child. 


I just don't know where will this end, or shouldn't conditions like autism be identified sooner, and treated sooner to avoid this bad behaviour? 



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I follow the advice given in the adverts for laundry products - "Keep Away from Children"!

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For me the way I see it parents today just turn a blind eye to the miss behavior and just label the problem as autism or other related conditions to bad behaviour. 

But to me this is where the connection between addressing the problem is lost, and the child is just not going to improve, and of course this could lead into far more serious things as they enter adult hood. 


There is the story of a guy in his 20's who just randomly shot innocent people in the street he lived in, before turning the gun on himself, and records shown that he was always miss behaving from a young child.

So it begs the question why wasn't this addressed long before?

I just feel from casual observation this becomming far more common, when parents should be addressing it, rather that just looking the other way. 


Like I was saying if I behaved like the way I witness very often, my Father would have delt with it there and then. I think he would have been embarrassed more than anything to see me act like an idiot. But today I think parents have just lost control, there's no other way to describe it. 

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