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Would Nigel Farage Lie To His Loyal Followers?

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Hymie | 17:37 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | Society & Culture
33 Answers

My mate Phil thinks he might have.




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I take my post back. You were referring to his attendance in Clacton and not Parliament.

//What do you hope to achieve by posting lies?//

Well it takes one to know one!😂


You lost, keep chomping those sour grapes.

Deskdiary..No problem.. Apology accepted.

His entry in the latest Register of Members' Financial Interests shows,

"Farage, Nigel (Clacton) 1. Employment and earnings Role, work or services: Presenter Payer: GB News Ltd, Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London EC4R3TT Additional information: All payments made to Thorn in the Side Ltd. (Registered 22 July 2024) Remuneration: £97,928.40 a month 
Hours: 32 hrs a month (Registered 4 August 2024)" [emphasis added]

The entry shows remuneration and hours worked for "a month" so why has he since claimed it, "was for several months of work"?

'Tora suddenly realises he's at odds with New Judge, hauls on handbrake of sycophancy for a 180 at 20:11'

I listened to a bit of that.  I think both he and Carol Vorderman have their knickers in a knot over VAT.   

“'Tora suddenly realises he's at odds with New Judge,…”

I don’t think fundamentally we are at odds, Dougie. It’s just how we deal with it.

I just work on the assumption that everything they tell me is lies. Most of the time it doesn’t bother me because I rarely take much notice of any of them (though, like dd, I do detest being taken for an idiot, but life’s too short, etc.). On the very odd occasion when what they tell me seems important I’ll check out the veracity of their cogitations myself. 

I simply don’t understand the faux shock and horror expressed by some of our contributors on here when they discover a politician has lied. So apparently shocked are they that they feel the need to post their revelations on here. They might as well express surprise when they discover that The Pope is not a regular attender at his local synagogue or that bears, being sadly unblessed with the luxury of en suite facilities, are forced to participate in  unmentionable habits in the woods. 

Much of this surprise was voiced by those dissatisfied with the vote to leave the EU and unhappy with successive Tory governments. So it’s almost a pleasure now that a proper Labour government has been installed to have the satisfaction of knowing that very soon (if not already) they will learn that lying politicians can also be found among those sporting red rosettes. Up to now, an uninformed observer would believe that lying politicians only wear blue ones.

My point is that of course they do tell porkies but most of  the things the detractors claim are porkies are not. Thus I am rarely given an actual example despite asking regularly.

"My point is that of course they do tell porkies but most of  the things the detractors claim are porkies are not. Thus I am rarely given an actual example despite asking regularly."

Agreed, Tora (now duggie can rest easy!).

I don't normally take heed of "Phil's" YouTube nonsense but I thought I'd take a look. Apparently, this clip (which took nine minutes out of my life which I won't get back) seems to concentrate entirely on an accusation that Mr Farage declared his income from GB News inclusive of VAT when he should have declared it ex-VAT.

But you're righ - when you ask for specifics you either get vague suppositions or nonsense such as this.

As NJ said, he's a politician. Lying is in the job description. Show me an honest politician and I'll show you an unsuccessful one.

Why is he now saying the figure is for several months and not, "a month" as per his declaration?

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