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Fluid Sticking In The Back Of Throat

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joko | 14:48 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
6 Answers

often when drink or eat something thats quite runny, some of it sort of gets stuck in the back of my throat, i can feel it there.
so i have to force burps & coughs etc so it comes back into my mouth & i can try to swallow it again.
Sometimes if i cant force it, i bend right over & lots more comes up again.
Its not coming from my stomach because there is no taste of sick.
I can breathe just fine.
it doesnt stop me swallowing.
i sometimes drink water to wash it down - but some of that sort of gets stuck too!

how is it just stuck there?
defying gravity? :D
is there anything in the throat that it could be collecting in.
i cant think of anything

Any ideas?
NB: i have a 'buffalo hump' - (not a dowagers hump)
& hypermobility & Ehlers danlos

Thanks :)



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Have you checked for dysphagia?

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i do have that too, sometimes just nothing happens when i should have automatically swallowed, & even when i actively try to make myself swallow sometimes it just wont happen.
i always do eventually, & its not every time i eat, most of the time its fine.

but this problem is after i have swallowed it.

Ive even started to make sure my mouth & throat is wet before swallowing tablets etc, so they dont stick

Yikes mrs  ! this is pretty technical but is exactly on what you say happens,differences%20between%20hEDS%20than%20HSD.

the sample is 1620 and so will catch most side effects.

short answer is yes

See your doctor. This is not the best place for medical advice (especially since the sad loss of sqad who was a qualified doctor)

good answer Canary - esp with Ehlers Danlos - I dont think I have ever seen one.

Yes Sqad was an ENT surgeon but he seemed to know a bit about everything


he knew a lot about everything !

You think you've swallowed it, but ...


I get that very occasionally, I'm just letting it be until it gets more regular, if it does then I'll check with the GP.

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