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History In Your Pocket.

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sandyRoe | 17:50 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

More mature ABers may remember pre decimal coins they'd sometimes get in their change.  Sometimes a Victorian penny and all the later Georges on silver coins from sixpences to chunky half crowns.

Will you be looking out for the new King Charles coins?



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Worth trying to get one of each for prosperity.
19:27 Tue 20th Aug 2024

Coins? What are they?

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What's to become of beggars if there are no coins available to drop into their hats?

They'll have to go and get jobs (but probably earn more begging which is why they don't)

It's strange that the jingle of coins has become the music of history..... Dating archaeology, providing likeness of rulers before accurate portraiture, useful things, big coins can open containers, small ones very useful for tightening my embroidery hoops... 

Who says the monarchy is useless....

The famous bun penny for example. 

Worth trying to get one of each for prosperity.

Already had two fifty pences.

Like Hoppy, I'm struggling to remember the last time that I used any coins.  To the best of my recollection, I've only used them twice so far this year, with both times being at a burger van that doesn't take cards.  (However the owner does accept payments by bank transfer, with many customers opting for that way to pay).


>>> "What's to become of beggars if there are no coins available to drop into their hats?"

I think that you'll find that beggars are asking for banknotes, rather than for coins, these days!

Many (most? all?) Big Issue sellers now accept card payments.

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Banknotes to beggars, is that the begging with menaces we sometimes hear about?

maybe one of these days when I retrieve my £1 coin from my Tesco trolley it will have Charles on it.

providing images of rulers

yeah like this

Romans probabs the first portraits - altho..... Cleo is portrayed as a vamp ( so character was involved as well)

there is also symbolism - to show, republic or empire

sozza completely unsuitable for AB - I must stop writing as tho people have o levels

is that the begging with menaces we sometimes hear about?

Hi Sandz - this came up at er 5 am a few days ago ( now tidily erazed of course) -  can you blackmail the Kray twins and us that as a defence?

Lozza: cherissakes

anyway rather than go thro the very wisest of the  wise posts by ABers I did this - eschewinng the mods little gems ( 'foo', what?')

menaces are spoken or acted

extortion is physical force.

Learn a thing a day

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