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Will Work Think Of Even More Of A Reason To Reduced My Hours?

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abbeylee90 | 21:50 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Jobs & Education
205 Answers

So yesterday I had to go sick as I had a seizure last night and I've gone home sick before then had a seizure and they said after 3 sicks get discipline so means if I go sick again that what they'll do or could see me as unreliable even more of an excuse to keep my hours reduced. Only in a few weeks there's one full shift  for one day.



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Because I thought I finally found a permanent full time job. I didn't use a tape measure or go out and buy tools before working in selco so why would I know the products. 

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Yes I'm waiting for an appointment with the consultant.

Abbey, I'm sure Selco didn't expect you to know all the products immediately, and they gave you a couple of months to learn. You told us that they then cut your hours back because you couldn't grasp it. Do you think they should have given you more time to learn? How long do new starts usually take to get to the required standard? Do you think you should have been given longer because of your medical history, your needs? Were Selco aware of how much help you might need when you started? I'm not being harsh on purpose, I'm just wondering how informed Selco were before you started.

Stress can definitely cause an increase in seizure frequency. 

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I'm not sure but they kept extending one girls probation because she wasn't grasping the products. They told me they cut them because they didn't have the budget tp give overtime.

Perhaps they felt the other girl had potential.

Apologies Barry but it is impossible to keep up with Abbeylee90's comings and goings.

Thsnkd, Abbey. In a way, it doesn't really matter how someone else has been treated. Maybe the stress, worry, is cumulative - that was three jobs in a row where you simply couldn't do what was expected. I know you shrugged off many of the problems, but it couldn't have been a nice feeling to struggle so much to cope with any full-time job?

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They've got a me on a full shift in 2 weeks.

Yes, you keep telling us that, but they can't afford to pay overtime any more, and that's what your till work was. Your were given a job as a cleaner for 10 hours a week.

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After not being on the till for 5 weeks by then I could have learnt that I don't know by then if I continued on till

I think they've decided your best role is cleaning and you're not really suited to the till- they prefer those who pick up the skill more quickly and make fewer mistakes

^That's assuming I've interpreted your last post correctly, but it was garbled so I'm not sure

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Well it could be worse when I go on there due to not going pm till for ages even a colleuge said if till is not for they could put me elsewhere, they put me on a 2 weekd trial then decided to take me permanent but didn't give me my new full time contract.

Good luck abbey, hopefully someone can make sense of that post. Maybe all your past employers have been wrong and you are just unlucky.

abbey - I'm sorry, dear, but I really cannot understand your post.  Please think, structure and punctuate better.

I see " Well, it could be worse. When I go on there, due to .. " then it doesn't make sense.  Please rewrite.  :)

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Mistakes wise and product knowledge after not going on for over a month

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They only have one cashier and there's a massive que

Never mind, Abbey, you're probably not going to be there very much longer anyway. 

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Hopefully as I really need full time work.

Abbey, I think you might have to have a really good think about your job prospects. The full-time jobs you have had - over the past few years - haven't worked out at all, and you haven't lived up to the employers' expectations. Time is passing, and all these fiddly part-time jobs are not good for your CV, your bank balance or your mental health! I know you said you sacked a previous careers advisor, but do you not think it'd be worth consulting someone? 

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