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Will Work Think Of Even More Of A Reason To Reduced My Hours?

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abbeylee90 | 21:50 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Jobs & Education
205 Answers

So yesterday I had to go sick as I had a seizure last night and I've gone home sick before then had a seizure and they said after 3 sicks get discipline so means if I go sick again that what they'll do or could see me as unreliable even more of an excuse to keep my hours reduced. Only in a few weeks there's one full shift  for one day.



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Well done, Abbey!

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Not even looking forward to my full day I got next Wednesday 

I see from your other thread you haven't  got an interview now...or  have you had the warehouse interview but been rejected for another job you applied for?

But you need to stop being g so pessimistic. You complain about hours being cut then you come on saying you're not looking forward to doing a full day. Maybe you'll never be happy with any job.

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I don't mean shift I mean working with certain people that why I need to keep to same shifts to keep my body clock in place

Okay, if that makes sense to you...

Not many people like everyone they work with, but you just have to get on with it, and as for the body're not being asked to work nights!.


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I like to stick to same shifts 

Abbey, is is just five two-hour shifts that you've been doing for the last little while?  I'm sure your body could (and should) cope with a bit more than that. Sometime soon you might be back in the world of full-time work - doing five seven or eight hour days. Because of the jobs you go after, shift work seems pretty common in most of the places - you'll often have very little choice.

Good afternoon,

Having worked with several people who suffered fits, as long as they took their medication at the same time, which can be written into your role as an adjustment - minor shift work should not be an issue.


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Neva that's absolutely fine

Thanks, Abbey. It's good to have a reasonable assessment of what you can cope with, what you will have to cope with, if you really want to get back into full-time work. As the months are passing, I'm concerned that it'll prove too much for you!

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That why I want to keep to full time hours so my body clock stays the same. I really thought selco was the one for me.

I'm pretty sure you have said before you found full days very tiring, but if you find a job that suits you the time will fly by and you'll feel less worn out.

Abbey, you liked the care home too - but you need to be able to do the job, it's not just a case of you finding somewhere to be happy!

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You get use to full days once you do them all the time. I got paid today and I got paid £320 less than usual so definatly time to look elsewhere 

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I haven't told some people in my life about selco is it worth it now?

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What do I say to my mum when I got a new job?

Mind your own business mum, I'm capable of running my own life?

I'm sure that will go down well🤣

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Well yeah she can't control me where I work obviously.

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What do I do when  I do get another job?

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