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Chatteris Community Would You Believe It C/D 30/09

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Peasblossom | 08:09 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers

really struggling with this quiz

5) Royal taxi (5)

6) Right Dessert (7)

23) Very loud in the music (6)

Any help gratefully appreciated 




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5 Cab ER

6 R afters

23 can only think of ......racket?

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Thank you so much mallyh 

Question Author

Thank you so much mallyh 

Not sure how you come up with racket for 23 though

looked in Collins dictionary for racket scroll down British English .... and it says music .i was looking at words with FF in but i  only came up with coffin x

23 I wonder why it says 'the music ' instead of just 'music '

23. co  ff  in

So is the theme 'made of wood'??

How does "coin" = music?

23 Ra ff ia ( ff in aria ) ??

Hi scorpiojo the clue onmmy sheet says :-  very loun in the money not music

Hi jackierob4, and thank you.

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Chatteris Community Would You Believe It C/D 30/09

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