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Guess Who Is Back

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Canary42 | 12:00 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

After a long forced absence thanks to the incompetence of my ISP (exacerbated by a total PC meltdown, including Password Manager so lost all passwords), I am at last once again able to access Answerbank (with much help from Ed - thank you for that Ed).  I look forward to some entertaining, interesting, and fun exchanges with you all once again.  Just give me a little time to catch up.



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^^ Your status is User-Inactive!!!!!!  

my Guess ???


Delia Smith

Question Author

One of the things I love about this site is the warm welome given when an Aber returns after a hiatus (however caused).

You've done it here for me, for which I thank you all, and now are doing it for Minty.

Keep it up, you lovely people.

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