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That's The Way The Money Goes, Pop Goes The W...inter Fuel Allowance.

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Khandro | 11:48 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | News
63 Answers

'British taxpayers are funding arts, infrastructure and tech projects in regions wealthier than parts of the UK, a damning new study has revealed.

As part of the Government's overseas aid budget, diverted through universities and 'Quangos', Britons are shelling out for projects like an all-female traditional opera in Shanghai, a rural crafts exhibition in Shenzhen in southern China, and a temporary cycle lane in Mexico City.',



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N.J. //Article 31 of the UN Convention says this: .........//

But isn't the UN a dog (mongrel) with no teeth ?

What do you say to Victor Orban (see my above post at 7:36) who decrees that entering his country without authorisation is a criminal act, & anyone doing so is ipso facto a criminal ?


"But isn't the UN a dog (mongrel) with no teeth ?"

Yes it is, Khandro. But its Convention is what is continually cited whenever the issue of illegal immigration is discussed. 

"What do you say to Victor Orban (see my above post at 7:36) who decrees that entering his country without authorisation is a criminal act, & anyone doing so is ipso facto a criminal ?"

I say he is perfecly correct. Of the seven countries which border Hungary, five are EU members, the sixth (Serbia) is an EU candidate nation. The only migrants that can legitimately claim asylum in Hungary are those from Ukraine. Those from anywhere else who cross Hungary's borders have come from other safe countries.

But I don't think illegal entries from there are troubling Mr Orban too greatly. He is rather more concerned with the huge numbers heading through his country from the Middle East and Asia, coming from the south and south east via Turkey, Serbia, Croatia and Romania. 

Of course the problem he has is that Hungary is a member of the ridiculous Schengen scheme and he has difficulty persuading its EU masters that imposing border controls on people not entitled to be in the EU at all is necessary. But that's the fault of his predessor, Ferenc Mádl, who signed away the country's right to protect its borders in 2003. Perhaps Mr Orban should consider his country's participation in that ridiculous scheme.

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Thanks N.J. 

Orban gets a lot of stick from Brussels because he just will not toe the line.  Power to his elbow !

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