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Man Changes Gender To Avoid Jail For Beating His Wife

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barry1010 | 11:42 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | News
9 Answers

This is a Spanish case but I suspect the same outcome would happen in the UK.  

This needs to be reined it.  If a 70 year old receives a lighter sentence for a crime he committed when he was 15 because the law must be enforced at was at that time for a juvenile, then surely this creature can be sentenced as the man he was when he was beating his wife.



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why would a real woman get less of a sentence anyway?

This explains it a little more fully.

Another ridiculous event made possible because the world seems incapable of deciding what a woman actually is.

This nonsense has gone too far. 😡

so a woman real or pretend attacking another woman is less of a crime than a man doing it? That's radio rental too.

Unless it's for not doing the high dusting.

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Having thought about this some more, at the moment this could not happen in the UK as there is no law specifically to deal with men abusing women.  Domestic violence is treated the same irrespective of whether the couple is opposite sex or same sex.

If the mysogony law that is debated at the the moment is ratified then it could happen.  Could a woman be prosecuted under that for attacking a woman because she hates women?  I don't know.  


Well dont wait for 2TSKS to decide what a woman is.

You are right Baqrry, it is very wrong and also very worrying.

The Chinese must be laughing their cocks off at the West getting all tangled in this rubbish.  Only a matter of time before they take over, unless beaton to it byt the Slims.  And either party wont subscribe to it.

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YMB: "The Chinese must be laughing their cocks off at the West getting all tangled in this rubbish. " - yep they know how to deal with the slims.

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Man Changes Gender To Avoid Jail For Beating His Wife

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