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If The Government Did A U Turn And Gave Us..

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sandyRoe | 21:20 Fri 23rd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

...back the winter fuel allowance, and you didn't need it, what would you do with it?



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Pay my bills.

stick it my savings a/c with the other few hundred grand - ta

(being honest)

Give it Gordon Brown who introduced this election bribe.

Pass it on to my sister who is really struggling  right now

Gordon Goldfinger? Wouldn't give him the steam off my pee!

But you gladly covert his election bribe 😂

election bribe? HE LOST!!!!

Do what I usually do with it - put it towards Mrs NJ's and my Big Night Out on New Year's Eve.

pass it on to charity, as I did in the past.

//Do what I usually do with it - put it towards Mrs NJ's and my Big Night Out on New Year's Eve.//

I'm not sure if that's a joke or not but it doesn't matter because it's true of alot of people, if not you.

I'm perfectly happy that it's going to be means tested, as most benefits already are.

Why should we tolerate benefit scrounger like NJ?

^^^ That doesn't answer the question tomus. The issue is what would you do with it if the benefit was given to everyone and you didn't need it?

We'd have a mini break - save on the heating!

"I'm not sure if that's a joke or not but it doesn't matter because it's true of alot of people, if not you."

No it's not a joke. That's what Mrs NJ and I do with it.

As far as I am concerned (and as I've explained in another thread) the WFA is part of my State Pension package. I've qualified for my State pension by making adequate NI contributions, as the scheme requires. In fact I've made more than adequate contributions - far more adequate than many of the people who remain eligible to receive the WFA.

Well, we need it.  It would enable us to keep up our current level of supplying the food bank and charity donations.

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